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Mr. Jeremy Ryan

Jeremy Ryan is a Orthopaedic Manual Physiotherapist and Medical Acupuncture Provider.
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Dr. Zahra Bardai

Dr. Zahra Bardai
Dr. Zahra Bardai is a Family Physician and Registered Yoga Teacher.
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Ms. Heather Robinson

Ms. Heather Robinson
Heather Robinson is a Certified Athletic Therapist, and an experienced educator.
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Dr. Mark Leung

Mark Leung photo
Dr. Mark Leung is a Lecturer in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at U of T.
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Dr. Hamilton Hall

Dr. Hamilton Hall
Dr. Hamilton Hall is a Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Toronto.
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Dr. E. Laura Cruz

Laura photo
Dr. E. Laura Cruz has been a Sport and Exercise Medicine Physician since 1996.
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Dr. Neil Dilworth

Dr. Neil Dilworth
Dr Neil Dilworth is a family physician who practices in sport medicine and emergency medicine.
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Dr. Cathy Campbell

Dr. Cathy Campbell
Dr. Cathy J. Campbell is a Preventive Health Physician and Sports Medicine Physician.
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Dr. Julia Alleyne

Dr. Julia Alleyne is well known and highly regarded in the academic world, as a top-ranked educator.
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